Fondo Alegría

Take a look to the stories behind the winners of our Alegría Fund 2025

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Corporacion Espina Bífida

Re-implementation of rehabilitation unit for children with spina bifida and hydrocephalus

The project seeks to alleviate chronic pain in 30 children with spina bifida by remodeling the Spina Bifida Corporation's house, including the installation of a hydraulic pool for hydrotherapy and a comprehensive physical and psychological development plan.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Laboratorio de Innovación Pública UC

Timely Health at Luis Calvo Mackenna Hospital

The project seeks to implement a management model at the Luis Calvo Mackenna Hospital, strengthening its health teams in the specialties of neurology and otorhinolaryngology, to optimize its critical resources and thus reduce waiting lists.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Fundación Lista de Espera

Treatment of pain from phimosis in minors on the waiting list in the health system

The project seeks to improve the quality of life of 40 children on the waiting list for phimosis through timely and effective surgeries, providing a tangible and real option to those who are waiting for care.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Alas para Chile

Alas de Colores Residence

The Alas de Colores Residence offers a foster home for vulnerable families from regions who move to Santiago for neurosurgical treatments for their children, seeking to improve their quality of life, reduce the psychological and economic impact of the medical process, expanding with this project the coverage of comprehensive support to minors and their guardians.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Sonrisas Foundation

Smiles without Pain

This project seeks to diagnose, prevent and treat oral diseases that cause pain in preschool and first cycle children in a highly vulnerable school in Puente Alto, seeking to promote good habits and links with local health services to safeguard the sustainability of oral care.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Fundación UC Christus

More Smiles Less Pain

The project seeks to optimize access to interdisciplinary care in the Los Ríos Region for children and adolescents with chronic pain, through specialized online diagnoses and care and training for local teams in pediatric pain management, exchanging knowledge between UC Christus, the UC Pain Team and the Valdivia Base Hospital.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025


Sedation and analgesia for botulinum toxin injection

This project seeks to ensure, at the Teletón Institute in Santiago, adequate treatment for spasticity (application of botulinum toxin infiltration) avoiding physical and emotional pain, through deep sedation. This practice allows for improved patient adherence to treatment and optimizing the medical experience.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Fundación DEBRA Chile

Comprehensive management of wounds and pain in children and adolescents with dystrophic EB

This project provides comprehensive and free treatment to 17 patients with Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), focusing on pain management, wound care, nutritional improvement and prevention of complications, ensuring transfer and accommodation for patients from regions and educating on the proper management of the disease.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Casa Familia

Alegría Renovation in Casa de Luz

The project seeks to provide compassionate care and support to children with life-limiting, threatening illnesses requiring hospice services and to their families, reducing suffering and pain and ensuring a suitable environment, with accommodation, food and transportation.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Fundación Camino

Waterproofing of roofs Casa Camino

This project aims to waterproof the roofs of Casa Camino, a shelter for young people with cancer, preventing leaks that generate risks such as humidity and mold, while also ensuring the safe use of key areas such as the kitchen and dining room.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

María Ayuda

Transforming my oncology residency

The project seeks to strengthen the oncology residence to provide a functional environment that promotes the well-being of children, installing thermal insulation panels in bedrooms on the second floor of the residence to have more stable temperatures inside the residence.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Make-A-Wish Chile

Wishes that transform lives

This project seeks to create life-changing experiences by fulfilling the most cherished wishes of 5 children and/or young people with serious and painful illnesses. A wish is a carefully planned trip, designed to complement a child's medical treatment and give them the hope and joy they need to continue on the road to recovery.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Chungungo y UC Christus

Play and learn to grow strong

This project seeks to promote stimulation, learning and bonding in children aged 2 to 6 years with cancer by using play to support their well-being. Through activities in the hospital and at home, in collaboration with the medical team, imagination and creativity are fostered, promoting motivation to learn and meaningful play with caregivers.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025


Strengthening of the COANIQUEM Pain Clinic

This project seeks to guarantee access to medications for the management of neuropathic pain for our patients with scars, and also to train the health team at the COANIQUEM Pain Clinic in the management of pediatric pain.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Corporación Oncomamás

Wellness Kit

This project promotes integrative medicine through the physical and emotional well-being of children, adolescents and their caregivers through clinical aromatherapy, which relieves pain, nausea and helps with good sleep.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Fundación Tregua

Dogtores: Acompañamiento feliz a niños y jóvenes con cáncer

This project seeks to strengthen the canotherapy program at the Luis Calvo Mackenna Hospital, promoting the emotional well-being of 120 cancer patients through affective interactions that relieve pain, also seeking to evaluate the results to generate more local evidence of the effectiveness of the program.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2025

Fundación Desafío Levantemos Chile

Terapias complementarias 2025 Hospital Padre Hurtado

Este proyecto busca mejorar el bienestar de niños, niñas y adolescentes con daño neurológico severo (NANEAS) mediante terapias complementarias que alivian el dolor, mejoran la calidad de vida y fomentan la expresión emocional. También promueve el fortalecimiento de los vínculos familiares y la socialización de los cuidadores.

Take a look to the stories behind the winners of our Alegría Fund 2024

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024

Debra Foundation

Comprehensive wound and pain management in patients with EB

To provide free, comprehensive medical treatment focused on pain management to 17 patients with Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), to improve their quality of life and life expectancy.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024

Sonrisas Foundation

Smiles without Pain

To diagnose, treat and prevent oral health diseases that cause pain in 150 children in a situation of high social vulnerability belonging to the Monte Olivo school in the Puente Alto commune (Baños de Mena sector), through the incorporation of a health team and a temporary dental clinic within the establishment.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024

Teletón Foundation

Sedation and analgesia for botulinum toxin injection

Guarantee and finance the deep sedation procedure for the application of botulinum toxin infiltration at Teletón Santiago, during the year 2024, corresponding to a coverage plan for 350 patients with a frequency of 2 infiltrations per year, to be scaled up to regions starting in 2025.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024

Desafío Levantemos Chile

Alegría Challenge: Renewing the lives of children with refractory epilepsy

To improve the overall quality of life of children with refractory epilepsy through surgical interventions, enhancing social, family and academic aspects, in order to provide them with the opportunity of a full childhood, in which they can actively participate in recreational, academic and social activities, promoting their emotional and physical well-being.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024


Virtual reality transforms the pain experience in burn patients

To improve the acute pain experience of children and adolescents (NNA) between 5 and 18 years of age undergoing advanced burn treatment at the Santiago Rehabilitation Center of the Corporation for Aid to Burned Children (COANIQUEM) through the use of virtual reality glasses that serve as a distraction tool during the healing procedures.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024

Corporación Oncomamás

Stimulation, learning and support program for children with early childhood cancer.

We promote a comprehensive approach to the well-being, health conditions and care of children with cancer at a stage that has a great impact on their future. By promoting play and meaningful experiences, we seek to provide moments of joy and reduce the pain and fear inherent to treatment.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024

Casa Familia

Alegría in House of Light

The overall objective of the project is to provide children in need of hospice and their families with the opportunity to live through this complex period supported and accompanied by a trained multidisciplinary team, receiving the necessary compassionate care and support in an appropriate environment and infrastructure.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024

Fundación Nuestros Hijos

Pediatric Oncology Palliative Care Program

Our project aims to strengthen the palliative care program, which alleviates the pain of children with cancer and their families, by creating a specialized foster home.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024

Pequeño Cottolengo Don Orione

Remodelación box dental policlínico Pequeño Cottolengo

Enabling and remodeling the dental clinic at the Cottolengo small polyclinic to allow children to receive proper dental health care.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024

María Ayuda

Improving my home

The project consists of improving the living and psychosocial conditions of children with cancer and their caregivers who reside at the Felipe Rivera Oncology Home. By improving the common areas for children to use, we aim to provide a better stay for them to cope with the disease in a comfortable, safe and modern place that takes into account all the needs that arise during chemotherapy treatment.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024

Make-A-Wish Chile

Wishes to bring joy

The project consists of financing the wishes of 10 children and young people with critical illnesses associated with physical pain.

Ganador Desafío Alegría 2024

Cuentas Tú

Together We Create: Theater and Singing

Promote the mental health and well-being of children with cancer and their caregivers at the Nuestros Hijos Foundation, through a methodology based on playful, theatrical, musical and body expression experiences.

Boys, girls and adolescents
¿Quiénes son?
Who are they?

The direct beneficiaries will be minors who face complex health and physical pain situations that affect their well-being and happiness.

¿Quiénes son?
Who are they?

Relatives of children and adolescents with complex illnesses and health conditions, who need support and advice throughout the process of accessing the required help.

Social organizations
¿Quiénes son?
Who are they?

They are social organizations that are providing relief to children and adolescents with pathologies associated with physical pain.